The Women Leaders' Awards Nominations

Nominations will open on 27th February 2025

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Goodluck to all nominees!

Award Categories

Back for 2025 is the #NoneOfTheAbove category for nominations in a field not covered by the main categories.

Judges reserve the right to move the nominee to a more suitable category if appropriate

Media, Marketing, Arts, Culture and Music

Health related occupations.

Women who work in  Not-For-Profit Organisations.

Hospitality, Tourism, Sport, Leisure, Retail and Sales.

Women who work in volunteering roles.

Manufacturing and Construction and their Supply Chains

Digital or Technology role across all sectors.

Teaching, Coaching, Training (within organisations) or supporting other vocational learning programmes such as apprenticeships.

Women working in any sector who are in their early careers or early stages of building a business.

Public Service roles (excluding Healthcare) – Police, Fire, Armed Forces, Local Authority and Prisons.

Engineering, Science or Maths related careers.

Finance, Law, HR, Property, Consultancy, Surveying and Architecture.

Women who work in any role/sector and have demonstrated significant innovation/entrepreneurship.

Working or volunteering in any role not covered by another category (Judges reserve the right to move the nominee to a more suitable category, if appropriate)

Women who have lead the way for MK with their contributions to the city and its community. 

Please note this is not a nomination category. The winner is selected by the judges from other category winners. 


You can nominate yourself or your colleagues/peers. Do include performance information that the judges can verify when needed. 
Nominees must be based in or work in Milton Keynes.

You can nominate in as many categories as you deem appropriate. You should submit a description of no more than 500 words outlining what you (if self-nominating) or your nominee has achieved. The more factual information and stats you can provide, the better your chances of being shortlisted. Up to two additional testimonials may be provided these are not mandatory (email these to [email protected]. The submission should cover achievements in the nominee’s day-to-day job as well as demonstrating advocacy for gender diversity.

There is no cost to enter for the awards. Sponsorship packages are available, contact us for more details at [email protected]

An independent panel of judges will consider each nomination and vote on the winners for each category 2-4 weeks before the awards.

The last day to submit your nominations is Tuesday 2nd April 2024