What a whirlwind recent weeks have been. I, like many of you, have had to work with colleagues to establish how each bit of my organisation would be affected by Covid-19 and how to deal with it. This was fast-paced, high pressure, out-of-comfort-zone stuff and, as ever, people gave of their best. I witnessed exceptional innovation, commitment, compassion. It has been inspiring.


Many of us are now settling in to this new way of working. Adjusting to what has been coined ‘the new normal’. It’s different for each of us. Our sectors, organisations and our families face different challenges. Never has women’s leadership been more complex, more diverse and a strong network has never been more important.


Our charity has reviewed its activities and will continue to develop networking and mentoring opportunities for women across Milton Keynes. We are exploring online options and will be sharing our new approaches over the coming weeks.


On a very practical level we are determined to celebrate amazing, talented women leaders across MK and so whilst it will be very different this year, we are forging ahead with our 2020 awards. We won’t be holding a gala dinner, instead we will create an innovative event to celebrate differently.


Please continue to think about those women who have inspired you, who go the extra mile, who make a difference to their world of work or their community, and please nominate them for a 2020 award. This year, when we have seen remarkable practice from so many in responding to this extraordinary and seismic shift in our social structure, why not recognise the outstanding contribution you have personally made and submit your own nomination? Experience tells us that women do not typically put themselves forward for awards, but these are not typical times, so go for it!


With best wishes from me and my fellow trustees. Please stay in touch through social media;


Twitter: @uk_WLs 

Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/women-leaders-mk 


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womenleadersuk/


We look forward to seeing in person you on the other side.


Be well.

Dr Julie Mills OBE

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